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What's it like to be a Happy Hen?

By The Tesco Eat Happy team 11 September 14

Our supplier partner The Happy Egg Company have made a great film so you know just what goes into keeping these ladies happy. 

Scrambled, dippy or poached, eggs are a versatile and healthy food. But which came first – the chicken or the egg? While we can’t answer that one, we DO know where eggs come from and how they reach the supermarket shelf.  Become an eggspert by watching a video to see the journey for yourself.

At happy egg company farms, hens – or girls, as farmer John calls them – roam free in the fresh air, with hectares of woodland and plenty of space to play in. happy egg hens roll in the dirt, giving themselves dust baths to keep clean, and scrabbling about in sandpits for fun. They even have their own playgrounds – complete with climbing frames – to keep themselves entertained.

Happy egg hens munch on a diet of cereal, pecking at a balanced combination of grains rich in vitamins and minerals. When night falls, the hens head for their dark, warm nest boxes, which is where they sleep but also where they lay their eggs – one every 26 hours or so.

You can visit one of the happy egg farms to see the process first hand.  Use our interactive map to find somewhere local to you.

Eggs are great for eating, but they are just as important for hatching new chickens! to find out more.

If you'd like to know more about the happy egg company then get in touch on Facebook or