Christmas Trails

By The Tesco Eat Happy team 2 December 14
Heroimage Oranges

Tis the season once again! By now your class is probably getting very excited about Father Christmas coming, and finding it hard to sit still. What with the nativity rehearsals and paper snowflakes, it must be busy but lots of fun and we’d love to get involved.

You can arrange for our specially trained Trail Guides to visit your class to deliver a free, fun and interactive Christmas food talk.

Together with your local Trail Guide, you’ll be able to decide which activities will be best for your class. Maybe you want them to learn about the history of gingerbread, find out where oranges are grown, or give them hands-on experience making a Christingle.

Here’s a full list of our downloadable resources:

To arrange a Christmas Trail please get in touch with the Trail Guide in your local store or you can book a trail here.