Pharmacare 2013 Conference

May 2013

Rethinking Drug Coverage: Time for Universal Pharmacare?

Prescription drugs are the second highest spending area in the Canadian health care system. Many governments are asking hard questions about value for money, and the health outcomes they are receiving for this increased spending. There are also serious access issues – as many as 8 million Canadians have no drug insurance coverage. Drug utilization is driven by undue influence of pharmaceutical industry marketing campaigns. In addition to high drug expenditures, health care providers spend significant resources on remedying treatment-induced health problems.

Pharmaceutical management in the public interest is central to the sustainability of health care systems in general and to public drug plans in particular.  This conference will bring together national as well as international perspectives.  Topics for discussion will be guided by three constituent goals:

1. Ensure universal and equitable access;

2. Improve the safety and appropriate use of drugs; and

3. Ensure the cost of drugs is sustainable for public finances.