Healthy Eating Week!

By The Tesco Eat Happy team 2 June 2015

The British Nutrition Foundation’s make the most of breakfast.

2. Have five-a-day

We know that five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is key to a healthy diet, but what does one portion look like? There’s no need to have scales at hand, here’s an easy guide to work out your five – from apples to satsumas.

3. Drink plenty

Wonderful water makes a long journey from our rivers, through reservoirs and treatment, to our taps. Find out why water is so important and how much we should be drinking in our video.

4. Get active

 Keeping active not only helps to maintain a healthy weight, but also improves our bone health and can help us make new friends. Encourage the children you teach to make the most of their lunch breaks by playing games, taking part in a sport or even going for a walk.

5. Try something new

On our Farm To Fork Trails, classes get to learn about where their food comes from and to try things they may not have tasted before. Find out how your school can get involved in a Farm to Fork Trail near you.

Even if your school isn’t registered for Healthy Eating Week, you can take on these challenges at any time of year and inspire healthier habits in the children you teach.

If your school is taking part in #HealthyEatingWeek, we’d love to hear how you’re getting on at