Creating a Contemporary Kitchen – Remodeling Made Easy

Creating a modern kitchen is not perceived one way by everyone. Still, certain elements can be pieced together that will assist in achieving a more contemporary look and feel for your kitchen if you want to make upgrades or renovations. Most people think clean, modern white kitchen cabinets and switching around the layout will make things more contemporary. However, as we move into the future, the “modern” will continue to change and evolve with the times. Plenty of concepts change throughout the years because the global perspective shifts, and everyday people reimagine how things should or should not be created.

Modern kitchens have looked different throughout the decades, but the current means of achieving something more contemporary is dealing with timeless designs that can exceed the barriers placed upon them. Remodeling is something every Texas homeowner will have their vision for because each home has its unique features and personality. These details will come into the overarching design plans for your remodel.

Think About the Layout

One of the very first things you will need to consider is your kitchen’s current layout and any changes that can be made to open up the space to make everything more accessible and functional. Modern kitchens are all about functionality and practicality – this is meant to create everything in your kitchen a valuable aspect of the space. There are a few different layouts that are popular when it comes to today’s contemporary kitchen.

  1. Gallery Kitchen Layout – a gallery-style layout will be a bit longer and a bit more narrow than an open-concept kitchen. However, everything remains visible and accessible at all times. You would only have one or two stretches of your kitchen drawers and cabinets, and it is considered one of the more ergonomic designs and general setup plans for modern layouts.
  2. U or L-Shaped Layout – U-shaped kitchens are set in a U shape, and L shapes are arranged in an L! They are very square-style rooms but are easily set up in a larger kitchen space. This works efficiently when fitting in a new refrigerator, sink, etc. They are shapes that complement the natural configuration of what is required in your kitchen regarding fixtures. Both profiles allow for a seamless flow throughout the kitchen while allowing everything to be easily accessed at any time.

Modern Storage for Modern Kitchens

Storage is a big deal in the modern kitchen, and it has been created to function better than our cabinets previously lent to homeowners. Everything should have clear and simple sight lines, and you will want to focus on less clutter on your countertops and bulky appliances. Storage should be designed around each individual workplace in the kitchen, and what is required for those workplaces should be stored nearby.

Drawers have grown in popularity versus cabinets because they can quickly be installed by your local contractor right under the stovetop. When you open up a drawer, you can see everything inside it all at once, rather than having to search endlessly through the back of your cabinets for that one spice you could have sworn you had more. This is all a part of creating more accessible, organized cabinetry that you can fully customize to suit your color scheme!

Minimize & Design

Think a little more like a minimalist when it comes to the contemporary kitchen. While you don’t have to get rid of everything, you will want to minimize clutter, and installing new cabinetry and drawer systems will make this easier. Before you remodel, you should know what you want for your space, so review all the details with your remodeling contractor or design firm beforehand.

You can prepfor the space by going through everything that is currently being stored in or around your kitchen and get rid of things you no longer need to pare down on the excess. While you get to have fun putting in new natural stone countertops or custom flooring and cabinetry – you want the design to be sleek in nature.

Contemporary Kitchen Solutions with Local Remodelers

Remodeling and making upgrades to your kitchen is something that pays off for the household, especially in Texas, where food is nearly an event and family is everything. Completing a contemporary kitchen for your home will inevitably increase the property value. Still, it will also help improve your quality of life and how your home functions daily. Use the unique attributes of your house to your advantage, and with the help of a reliable remodeling firm, you will exceed any expectations you initially had for your kitchen.

Baczewski Luxury services Houston, Texas, and the surrounding areas with elite remodeling and design support. They have tremendous experience creating luxurious contemporary kitchens and achieving the client’s vision for modern remodels and renovation projects. With the help of a dependable builder and high-quality designer, you are in good hands and can rest assured that you achieve everything you want with your kitchen upgrades and more!

Sana Ahmed

Sana Ahmed, an alumnus of the Rhode Island School of Design with a degree in Interior Architecture, has been influential in design writing since 2014. Joining our editorial team as a freelancer in 2021, Sana combines technical knowledge and aesthetic sensibility. Sana's approach to writing combines practicality with a flair for contemporary trends. Her experience includes working with renowned design firms and participating in international design workshops. Sana advocates for sustainable living and enjoys creating upcycled art in her free time.

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