Embracing The Cooler Floral Shades: Growing Your Garden With Colder Colors

When people start to think about growing a flower garden, they’re quick to think about all of the warm, vibrant, and bright flowers with a good color difference to all of the green that grows below the bloom. However, making the decision to dedicate a garden to the colder colors might actually be more appealing. Less of the popping colors may make it easier for the eyes too!

So which of the flowers should you be growing now that you’ve been presented with this rather dashing idea for a garden? You could choose your standard planning, or maybe go with a cottage garden! There are plenty of flowers that bloom with these darker tones and shades that would look wonderful and give off a sort of dignified and calm aura. Starting with a color that is literally in the name. Lavender.

Growing Lavender

Now, if you’re thinking that it’s everything like all of those air fresheners, then you’re in for a really great treat! Not only are lavenders excellent pollinators, but they blossom a gentle bright flower with the signature soft scent that lavenders have. You could learn more about this versatile and very flexible flower over at GardenersPath.com.

Covering the basics, lavenders are pretty easy to grow in many different zones and climates hence the “flexible” part that was mentioned earlier. Much like a succulent, lavenders are resistant to heat and can endure drought periods. They want heat and sunlight, prefer not to be watered, need their own space, and of course, great soil – so pretty much like a succulent.

Growing Delphiniums

Delphiniums are similar to lavenders since they grow tall and boast a lovely head of flowers. Making this flower great for cut flowers since they have a robust decorative presence. Delphiniums are another great cooler colored flower to grow in your garden since they are perennial and can bloom in varying blue, pink, purple, and white shades.

Though the delphiniums share similarities with lavenders when it comes to aesthetics, their growing needs are quite the polar opposites. Delphiniums prefer moist and well-drained soil that stands in full sun. You’re going to want to protect the tiny buds from any garden snails or slugs – those monsters will stop your garden from looking pish posh and in tip-top shape!

Growing Campanulas

You’re going to want this flower that can vary between a tall, small, or a creeping perennial in your garden – another blue bloomer that attracts plenty of pollinators! Past the lavenders, most of the other flowers on this list are going to require pretty much the standard stuff if you want to have amazing flowers blooming during the proper seasons.

Campanulas do love to grow on soil that’s more alkalotic, so they tend to naturally grow on chalky grasslands and at the edge of woodlands. As mentioned earlier, it’s going to be standard procedure; moist but well-drained soil, full sun, or partial shade, which would depend on the cultivar(type of variety) of the campanula you got your hands on. These can have a bell-shaped bloom, so they look rather elegant.

Growing Hollyhocks

Unlike the other flowers listed above, the hollyhocks are more short-lived even though they are also perennial. Avoid them from developing hollyhock rust – which is a fungal disease that shows as brown-orange spots on the underside of the leaves and the stem. You can do this by planting them on a more biennial schedule.

Keep that in mind as you continue to do the standard procedure for all of the flowers, once again. Make sure the hollyhocks are always well-watered in moist and rich soil. The flowers’ varieties can bloom differently but always seem to keep the shades from between pink and very deep purple.

Growing Phlox

Phlox are more herbaceous plants that bloom a cluster of small, scented flowers rather than an actual flower plant. Phlox flowers are another plant to seek out since they are hardy and relatively easy to grow, especially since they won’t need as much maintenance as other flowers. Phlox also make excellent cut flowers, just like the delphiniums.

Phlox tends to grow in full sun areas with moist soil, so you know what that means. They’re going to need nutrient-rich soil, plenty of water, and a lot of sunlight. However, the different cultivars may need different conditions(alpine phlox want more sunlight, whereas woodland phlox can tolerate shadier conditions). They’re going to need very little care, but “deadheading” may yield you some more flower blooms later in the season.


One thing is for sure if you’re going to want to grow a garden filled with cool-colored, less-popping flowers – they’re a sure-fire way to attract plenty of pollinators if you want your garden to be fertilized highly well! You still need to remember that different flowers can grow the best in different zones and different flower varieties requiring different conditions.

Russell Chen

With a rich background in Horticulture from the University of Melbourne, Russell Chen has over 18 years of experience in garden design and management. He has been a key contributor to our site, after serving as a chief horticulturist at a renowned botanical garden in Australia. Russell's articles often reflect his passion for eco-friendly gardening and he has been sharing insights into sustainable gardening practices. In his leisure time, he loves exploring herbal gardening and participating in community greening projects.

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