Go the green way.

When Was the Refrigerator Invented?

When Was the Refrigerator Invented

Were you unable to finish the pasta you cooked for dinner tonight? We all know where it’s going to end up. No, not the trash. Thanks to the refrigerator, you can now store your leftover food for a second, helping the next day, maybe even days or months after! While it may sound like basic …

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What Causes White Fungus on Plants?

White fungus is a fungal disease that occurs in any plant. It includes vegetables, fruit, flowering, and green plants. The disease is also known as ‘Powdery Mildew,’ almost similar to ‘Downy Mildew, ‘ but with different colors. White fungus disrupts the growth of a plant and affects its photosynthesis. People don’t know how to get …

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Which Trees are More Expensive than Gold?

Nature's giants, the world's tallest trees, reaching for the sky in all their grandeur

Trees are not just green giants that give us shade; some hold secrets to riches behind your wildest dreams. Here, we’ll find the extraordinary story of a tree that commands a higher price than even the most precious metal, gold. We’ll learn about its history. Where it grows and why it’s so highly prized. Throughout …

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What Tree Symbolizes Healing?

Trees hold a very special and important place in human culture and spirituality for a long time. Trees symbolize different beliefs in various religions across the globe. They are believed to have medicinal properties, and various medicinal studies have been conducted on them. But trees’ healing properties are most interesting and universally recognized among the …

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Can Plants Recover from Powdery Mildew?

unlit bush with blooming flowers and green leaves, potential recovery from Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that is common among plants. The disease is almost the same as the downy mildew. It’s also known as the white fungus that affects all types of plants. It includes flowering, green, fruit, and vegetable plants. This disease disrupts a plant and its entire leaves. As a result, the …

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How to Keep Goats from Escaping

Discover effective ways to keep goats from escaping in our guide

Securing goats can be challenging due to their curiosity, independence, and cleverness. This task becomes even tougher when considering the eager bucks and their horns as they use their horns as tools. You must have fences at the right height to ensure your goat stays safe and does not wander. But gaps must be too …

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