15 Stunning Grapevine Trellis Designs for Your Backyard Arbor

Grapevine trellises are a delightful addition for those who love gardening and outdoor décor.

They bring a unique beauty to backyards, serving not just as ornamental features but also as functional elements.

These structures provide a quaint and private shaded area, perfect for enjoying the outdoors.

The integration of a grapevine with the trellis further enhances its utility and aesthetic appeal, making it an excellent choice for those seeking both beauty and a bit of seclusion in their garden spaces.

15 Grapevine Trellis for The Perfect  Backyard

1. Basic Trellis with Bench

A Simple Trellis with A Bench

For those seeking a budget-friendly option, a basic trellis with a bench is ideal. It creates a shaded area for relaxation in your garden. Opt for a straightforward wooden trellis adorned with grapevines, accompanied by a simple bench.

This arrangement not only adds functionality but also enhances the garden’s aesthetic. To further beautify the space, consider covering the surrounding ground with a layer of dried leaves, adding a rustic charm to your trellis.

2. Functional Trellis for Grape Growing

Something Basic with A Great Use

If your primary goal is to cultivate grapes rather than focusing on decorative aspects or creating shaded areas, consider a functional trellis design.

This straightforward structure may not be the most glamorous, but it’s highly effective for supporting grapevine growth. It’s a practical choice for those who prioritize grape production in their gardens.

3. Colorful Trellis with Flowers

Add A Little Color

Brightening up your garden with color can add a new dimension to your grape trellis. For those aiming to infuse a bit more flair into their garden, incorporating climbing flowering plants alongside grapevines is a fantastic idea.

This approach can beautifully break up the traditional green and brown hues of a grape arbor, adding visual interest and charm.

4. Arbor with Curtain-Like Grapevines

An Arbor with Curtain Like Trails

Picture this in your backyard: a grape trellis ideas that not only serves its purpose but also adds an element of amazing beauty. The vines gracefully drape down, resembling soft curtains, creating a magical and serene area.

It’s the perfect setting for family gatherings, where you can relax and enjoy each other’s company, surrounded by the gentle ambiance of nature.

This trellis idea brings more than just function; it transforms your garden into a cozy, picturesque space for memorable moments.

5. Neat and Simple Arbor

Keep It Neat and Simple

This idea is for those who love simplicity in their garden. A grape trellis that’s clean and uncomplicated can be very appealing. Just imagine grapevines neatly arranged on the roof and pillars of the arbor.

It’s not crowded with too many plants. Instead, it’s just enough to create a lovely, tidy look.

This style suits anyone who likes their garden to have a neat and orderly appearance, where the beauty of the trellis stands out in its simplicity.

6. Walkway Trellis with Vines

Green Corridor to Heaven

Think of a trellis in your garden that’s like a tunnel of green leaves. It’s a pathway covered with grapevines. This design is great for people who love lots of green plants around them.

It looks beautiful and gives you shade when it’s sunny. The way the vines are arranged keeps everything looking tidy.

It’s a simple idea that makes your garden both pretty and a nice place to walk through.

7. Breakfast Spot Trellis

The Best Breakfast Spot for You
A simple wooden trellis with grapevines can become the perfect spot for breakfast in your garden. Plant your favorite grapevines to grow over the roof and down the pillars.

Suppose you like a bit of color but don’t want to disturb the vines; plant flowering trees nearby. The roots on one side can support new grapevines.

This design creates a beautiful, natural space for your morning meals, combining practicality with the charm of a vine-covered arbor.

8. Dash of Color Trellis

A Simple Trellis with A Dash of Colors

For those not wanting a sitting area but wishing to focus solely on greenery, a simple wooden pathway trellis is a great choice.

Cover it with grapevines and add various flowering plants inside for a burst of color. This setup creates a small, colorful garden within your larger garden, offering a fresh and vibrant look.

It’s a straightforward design that brings life and color to your outdoor space.

9. Grape Harvest Trellis

Bring Some Grapes on Board

This design is for those who dream of having juicy grapes hanging from their trellis. It’s a wonderful idea for garden lovers. With green leaves and ripe grapes, this trellis is not just a structure, it’s a source of fresh grapes right in your backyard.

Keep in mind that the grapes will come and go with the seasons. So, when you set up this trellis, remember it will change throughout the year, giving you different looks and flavors.

10. Trellis Beside the Pool

Trellis Beside the Pool

A trellis near your swimming pool can make your backyard look great. It mixes the cool blue of the water with the greens and browns of the vines. This idea is good for making your pool area feel like a special place.

The trellis adds style and also gives you a nice spot to relax by the water.

11. Grapevine Hideaway Trellis

A World of Grape Vines

This trellis design is all about creating a cozy, green nook in your garden. It’s designed with grapevines that wrap around, making you feel like you’re in a secret, leafy spot.

It’s perfect for anyone who loves a bit of an escape in their own backyard, offering a special place that’s covered in a canopy of vines.

12. Trellis with Flower Baskets

A Gorgeous Trellis with Flower Baskets

A trellis decorated with hanging flower baskets is another lovely idea. It combines the green of grapevines with colorful flowers in baskets.

This design not only brings more greenery to your garden but also adds splashes of color.

It’s a good choice if you enjoy both flowers and vines and want to mix them in a creative way.

13. Rustic Style Trellis

Rustic Arbors & Pergolas | Branch Trellises | Artisan Built

A trellis with an old-fashioned, country feel is great for a garden. It uses plain, natural wood, giving a simple and earthy look. This style is good for those who like classic garden designs.

The combination of the wooden structure and grapevines creates a peaceful and traditional outdoor space.

14. Super Fancy Trellis

A Super Fancy Trellis

For a luxurious garden, a fancy trellis is an excellent choice. It can be a standout feature, especially in a large and elegant garden.

This type of trellis is usually larger and more elaborate, making it a focal point.

It’s perfect for those who want their garden to have a sophisticated touch, adding both style and an area for relaxation.

15. Over-the-Top Green Trellis

Go Overboard with The Greens

For those who love lots of greenery, this trellis idea goes all out. It’s designed to showcase a wealth of grapevines, creating a lush, green spectacle.

This design is not just about sitting under a trellis but about immersing yourself in a sea of green leaves.

It’s a bold and beautiful choice for anyone who wants their garden to make a strong, natural statement.


So, these were our 15 grape trellis ideas and designs for your backyard. We have tried to keep at least one design idea for each level of budget and taste, so we hope that you find your perfect grapevine design and start on the journey of building your backyard arbor as soon as possible.

We hope this article was helpful and you were able to find what you were looking for. If you have any further queries or any value addition that you would like to make to this post, feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below.

Russell Chen

With a rich background in Horticulture from the University of Melbourne, Russell Chen has over 18 years of experience in garden design and management. He has been a key contributor to our site, after serving as a chief horticulturist at a renowned botanical garden in Australia. Russell's articles often reflect his passion for eco-friendly gardening and he has been sharing insights into sustainable gardening practices. In his leisure time, he loves exploring herbal gardening and participating in community greening projects.

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