Best Types of Flowers You Should Have in Your Garden

Finding hobbies that provide you with a high degree of stress relief is important. With all of the different hobbies on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one to meet your needs. If you love the outdoors and working with your hands, then you might want to entertain the idea of growing a flower garden. Being able to grow vibrantly-colored and fragrant flowers in your backyard can be extremely rewarding.

If you are in the planning stages of the gardening process, then you need to focus on selecting the right flowers to grow. Ideally, you want to choose your flowers based on the area you live in and your gardening skill level. Attempting to choose flowers without extensive research can lead to a variety of gardening mistakes.

Are you trying to find the best flowers to grow in your garden? If so, check out the great suggestions below.

Aster is a Great Perennial For Your Garden

Over 55 percent of the households in the United States participate in gardening activities. The past few years have seen a drastic uptick in the number of people planting both vegetable and flower gardens. If you are in the market for appealing and fragrant flowers to add to your garden, you can’t overlook the perennial known as aster. Once you plant this petal-packed flower, it will come back year after year with minimal effort.

If you like the colors purple and pink, you will absolutely love aster, a favorite pick from a dedicated calgary florist nw. Not only will this brightly-colored flower boost the appeal your garden has, it will also attract Monarch butterflies, as this variety of butterflies uses the aster flower as a food source. Being able to sit in your backyard and watch butterflies flock to your garden can be extremely enjoyable. Generally, aster will bloom in late summer or early fall.

The Beauty of Cosmos

Before you start to select flowers for your garden, you need to do your homework. Identifying the various types of flowers that are native to your area is a great idea. With this information, you can begin the process of narrowing down the flower options at your disposal. If you live in an area that gets extremely hot in the summer months, then you should consider planting cosmos in your garden.

Not only can these flowers grow in extreme heat, they can also stand up to poor soil conditions. Ensuring these flowers survive the first frost of fall will require you to deadhead the blooms. You also need to avoid overwatering your cosmos if you want them to survive. Once they start to bloom, your cosmos will be covered in orange and rosy-colored petals.

Zinnias Are a Fragrant and Appealing Flower

Some newcomers to the world of gardening get too hung up on planting deadlines. While you need to abide by a planting schedule, there are a number of flowers that can be planted later in the year. Zinnia is one of the fastest and rarest-growing flowers on the market. Even if you get a late start on planting these seeds, you should have no problem getting them to bloom.

When your zinnias start to bloom, you will notice an uptick in the number of bees that fly around your garden. These flowers are also very fragrant, which can help you keep deer at bay. The main thing you need to be mindful of is how much water you provide your zinnias. This type of flower is susceptible to fungal diseases if they are overwatered. Seeking out the help of members of the local gardening community is a great way to iron out the details of your watering schedule.

Daffodils Are Easy To Grow

When first starting out, most gardening newcomers look for easy flowers to grow. If you are in the market for easy-to-grow flowers that are extremely appealing, then you need to consider planting daffodils in your garden. These flowers are easy to identify because they feature six trumpet-shaped petals that are either white or yellow.

If you want to incorporate daffodils into your garden design, then you need to plant these bulbs in the fall. Generally, they will start to bloom in early spring. Once your daffodils start to grow, they will require very little maintenance. All you need to do to keep them healthy is to provide them with plenty of sunshine and a sufficient amount of water. When properly cared for, daffodils will come back year after year.

Marigolds Are a Great Addition to Any Garden

Are you looking to add some color to your flower garden? If so, you might want to invest in some marigolds. These yellow and orange flowers are both extremely appealing and easy to grow. These flowers thrive in environments that provide lots of sunshine. You also don’t have to worry about planting these flowers in pristine soil for them to grow.

When planting marigolds in your garden, you can provide the roots of your other flowers with thiophenes. This chemical helps to kill off nematodes, which are known to cause root knots.

Don’t Underestimate the Appeal of Sunflowers

One of the most iconic flowers on the market is the sunflower. Every day, the sunflower turns its large head to face the direction of sunlight. Not only are these flowers extremely beautiful, they are also easy to grow. This flower is known to thrive when it gets plenty of water. However, the sunflower can withstand long periods of heat and drought-like conditions.

You need to realize that these flowers grow extremely tall. Some sunflowers can reach up to six feet tall. Making sure your sunflowers get at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day is crucial when trying to keep them healthy. In most cases, sunflowers will start to bloom in the middle of summer and will last through the fall.

It’s Time To Start Planting

As you can see, there are a number of flower options you can use in your garden. With the information in this article, you should have no problem selecting the right flowers to plant.

Russell Chen

With a rich background in Horticulture from the University of Melbourne, Russell Chen has over 18 years of experience in garden design and management. He has been a key contributor to our site, after serving as a chief horticulturist at a renowned botanical garden in Australia. Russell's articles often reflect his passion for eco-friendly gardening and he has been sharing insights into sustainable gardening practices. In his leisure time, he loves exploring herbal gardening and participating in community greening projects.

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