What Types of Human Food Can Dogs Eat

A dog sitting next to a plate of food. Dogs can eat certain types of human food,

If you have a dog, you’ve probably noticed how curious they can be about the food you’re eating. You might worry: What types of food are okay for dogs to munch on? It’s important to know so we can keep our dog healthy. Dogs aren’t just pets; they’re members of our families. And we want …

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Can Peppermint Help with Doggy Bad Breath? Tips and Tricks

Can Peppermint Help with Doggy Bad Breath? Tips and Tricks

Many dog owners have experienced it at some point: that unpleasant, foul odor emanating from their furry friend’s mouth. Doggy bad breath, also known as halitosis in dogs, can be a common issue and often leaves pet owners wondering, “can dogs have peppermint?” It’s unpleasant for the pet owner and can indicate underlying dental or …

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How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your House

How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your House

Wild critters trespassing are a frequent problem in many US states, including Texas. Raccoons are among the most common animals to meet in houses. Some people equate them to pests and later find themselves in more trouble ‘cause of violated legal regulations. After you read more information about raccoons in the article below or at …

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The Worst Animals to Keep as Pets

In order to improve a home environment and make a house feel like more of a home, it’s common for people to look at pets that could fit perfectly into their haven. Many people opt for a cat or a dog, while other homeowners look to add something more unique to their setup. While choosing …

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8 Fascinating Facts About Hedgehogs

Although they are prickly and sensitive, hedgehogs are amazing pets—they are quiet, low-maintenance, and don’t need much space. All a hedgehog needs is a small, warm cage and regular feeding. Most importantly, they bond easily with their owners for life! Pretty sweet, right? But before you dash to your local breeder and get a hedgehog …

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What Benefits Does an Esa Harness Give?

What Benefits Does an Esa Harness Give?

The use of emotional support animals has increased over the years. Almost every mental health professional recommends ESA as an alternative remedy for multiple non-physical maladies. Therefore, the need for an ESA harness has become crucial. An ESA harness provides a multitude of benefits, both for the animal and its owner. An emotional support animal …

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5 Tips to Keep Your Furry Friend as Healthy as Possible

The new year often brings motivation for a healthier lifestyle for most people. But, have you thought about how to improve your four-legged friends’ health? Just like humans, it’s important that pets have daily healthy routines. Exercise, nutrition, and enrichment are all important aspects of your furry friend’s well-being. While humans can make personal choices …

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