What Types of Human Food Can Dogs Eat

If you have a dog, you’ve probably noticed how curious they can be about the food you’re eating. You might worry: What types of food are okay for dogs to munch on? It’s important to know so we can keep our dog healthy. Dogs aren’t just pets; they’re members of our families. And we want to ensure they stay safe.

However, not all human food is safe for dogs; some can even harm them. We’ll see that human food is safe for your dog. We’ll show you some food that your dog can enjoy and point out the ones they should avoid. So you can make informed choices about what to share with your dog.

So, let’s see dog-friendly foods and ensure that your dog’s tail keeps wagging with happiness!

1. Fish

A dog sitting beside a plate of fish on the floor.

Fish is a healthy and tasty option for dogs. It’s the best source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which can benefit your dog’s coat and skin. Most dogs enjoy fish like salmon and trout, but make sure it’s cooked, boneless, and without any added seasonings. Self-control is key because too much fish can lead to nutrient imbalances.

2. Carrots

 A dog happily munching on a carrot, enjoying the healthy treat

Carrots make a great, healthy snack for dogs. They’re crunchy, low in calories, and packed with vitamins and fiber. Chewing on raw carrots can help your dog maintain clean and healthy teeth. Additionally, carrots contain beta-carotene, which is good for your pup’s eyes. Just cut them into small pieces to prevent choking.

3. Cashews

A dog happily eating from a bowl on the floor, with cashews scattered around it

Cashews can be a safe snack for dogs in small amounts because they have great fats and protein. But don’t give your dog cashews with salt or seasonings because too much salt can hurt them. Also, too many cashews can make your dog gain weight because they have a lot of calories.

4. Green Beans

A dog happily holds green beans in its mouth while sitting on the floor.

Adding green beans to your dog’s diet is a smart move. These veggies are light on calories but packed with fiber, making them perfect for dogs trying to lose weight. You can serve green beans as a wholesome treat or mix them into their usual meals to make them feel fuller without loading up on calories.

5. Eggs

A dog happily eating from a bowl filled with food, including eggs.

Eggs are a healthy choice for dogs because they’re packed with protein. You can prepare them by boiling them. The eggshell is also rich in calcium, which is best for your dog. However, it’s important to cook the eggs well to keep your dog safe from salmonella. Giving your dog eggs in small amounts can give them important nutrients they need.

6. Peanut Butter

A dog happily indulging in peanut butter from a jar, savoring every lick with delight.

Lots of dogs enjoy peanut butter, and it can be a yummy snack as long as you don’t overdo it. Peanut butter has good fats and protein that are healthy for them. But you have to be careful and make sure the peanut butter doesn’t have xylitol, a sweetener that can harm dogs.

7. Popcorn

A dog in a robe enjoying popcorn on a couch.

Plain, air-popped popcorn can be a safe and healthy dog snack when given self-control. It’s low in calories and has lots of fiber, which is best for them. But don’t put butter, salt, or any seasonings on it because those things can be bad for dogs. Also, be careful about any unpopped kernels because they might make your dog choke.

8. Apples

A dog happily munching on an apple, enjoying the sweet taste of this healthy fruit

Apples are a healthy and safe fruit for dogs to enjoy. They are packed with vitamins and fiber that are good for them. However, it’s important to be cautious when giving apples to your dog. Make sure to take out the seeds and core because apple seeds have cyanide, which harms dogs.

9. Chicken

A dog enjoying a plate of food at a table, savoring a delicious meal of chicken

Chicken is a popular protein in lots of dog foods. It’s a healthy source of protein and gives dogs important amino acids. When you cook chicken without adding any spices, it’s safe for dogs, and it can be a good choice for dogs with full tummies. Just be sure there are no bones because cooked bones can break into sharp pieces and hurt your dog.

10. Blueberries

A curious dog investigating a basket of blueberries with its nose, captivated by the scent of the fresh fruit

Blueberries are not only delicious but also best for your dog’s health. They are full of antioxidants and vitamins, which can boost your dog’s immune system and keep them healthy. You can give your dog fresh, frozen, or mixed with their regular food to enjoy these benefits.

11. Bananas

A dog happily munching on a banana, enjoying the sweet taste of this popular fruit

Bananas are a healthy and safe fruit for dogs. They’re packed with potassium and vitamins, which are good for them. However, because bananas have natural sugars, it’s best to offer them as a special treat once in a while. Just be sure to take off the peel and cut the banana into small pieces.

12. Coconut

A white puppy playfully chewing on a coconut, enjoying its texture and taste

Giving your dog a bit of coconut can be good, but not too much. Coconut oil, especially, can help your dog’s skin and fur look better. But remember, it’s got a lot of fat, so don’t overdo it. When you give coconut stuff to your dog, ensure it’s not sweet or flavored, and start with a small amount at first.


It’s important to be cautious about what types of human food dogs can eat. While dogs can enjoy some human foods with self-control, many foods can harm your dogs. Make a safe choice; stick to safe options. You can go with plain cooked meat, banana, and peanut butter.

Never feed your dog chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic, or anything with artificial sweeteners. These can be very dangerous. Dogs enjoy some variety, but their main diet should be dog food designed for their needs. Your dog’s health and happiness matter most.

By being mindful of what you feed them, you can ensure they live a long, joyful, and healthy life.

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Megan Liu

Holding a Master's in Animal Science from Texas A&M University, Megan Liu has spent over 15 years in animal behavior research and rehabilitation. She joined our editorial team in 2020, bringing a wealth of knowledge from her field experiences and academic studies. Megan is also a certified dog trainer, offering a unique pet care and training perspective. Her off-duty hours are spent volunteering at animal shelters and enjoying long nature walks.

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