3 Types of Dogs Commonly Banned on Airlines

Traveling with your four-legged friend can be exciting. Showing your dog the world is a fun addition to any travel plans. However, it’s important to know that several dog breeds are banned on airlines. There are no universal rules for what breeds are allowed. However, there are quite a few breeds that are typically banned …

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Why Does My Dog Lick Me So Much

Many pet owners get perplexed when their dog licks them so much. It is normal for dogs to lick the owner, but it can be very irritating if you are not used to it. But why does your best friend lick you that much? Well, dogs are very loving animals, but sometimes they can get …

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Mosaic Axolotls: 5 Reasons Why They Make An Excellent Pet

Mosaic axolotls can be a good option if you’re looking to bring a new aquatic pet home. Mosaic axolotls are aquatic pets known for their distinctive multicolored skin and unique patterns. This comprehensive guide delves into everything you need to know about mosaic axolotls, from their intriguing origins to their characteristics. So, whether you are …

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Seven Dog Breeds That Are Easiest to Train

The old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks doesn’t apply to these seven dog breeds. Instead, each dog highlighted below is noted for its intelligence and accompanying ease of trainability. So what are the seven easiest dogs to train? A dog’s intelligence is at least 50% attributable to both environmental factors …

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How to Pet-Proof Your Home

Are you a dog lover? Or perhaps you are the typical cat person, one who loves the attention of a furry feline friend? Both make excellent companions and are great whether you live alone or have pets within your family. Yet, while we love our dogs and cats, we also know that they can easily …

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Which dog would suit your lifestyle?

If you, like many, plan on adding a dog to your family, you may be wondering what breed would best suit your lifestyle. From happy-go-lucky, to brave or even timid – each potential owner will likely have something in mind other than the shrubs in the front yard. However, it’s important to do your due …

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