Energy-efficient Home Improvements Every Houseowner Must Consider

The world is changing first and rapidly, more so in these last few decades. With every passing moment, we’re moving closer to the ultimate technological renaissance that is manifesting now.

All these massively progressing industries and newer electronics-based technologies- whether for public sector or personal use – demand only one thing: a consistent supply of humongous amounts of energy, strong enough to sustain the ever-changing needs.

Energy is what moves us, and energy is what troubles us as well. The math is pretty simple. Nothing is freely available in this world. Which translates as every single unit of energy produced and spent comes from tens, if not hundreds of units of natural, limited stock resources. This doesn’t need much explanation. Still, we think you’d like to look at a few of these statistical facts before we proceed –

  1. The gross total energy expenditure has increased significantly in the last decades, on a global scale, from 300 million terajoules in 1980 to 585 million terajoules in 2022
  2. The total energy expenditure is projected to increase by almost 48% by 2040. Out of these, 80% of total energy is produced from non-refillable, unsustainable natural resources like fossil fuel (coal, petroleum, Natural gas, etc.)
  3. The energy production procedures, especially those using fossil fuels, are responsible for ¾th of the total air pollutants released in the air every year.

NOAA’s 2023 Annual Climate Report says: the global temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.14°F per decade since 1880; however, the average increment since 1981 has been more than twice as fast. Therefore, global warming is like an international disaster leading to apocalyptic consequences.

Sounds grim and overly pessimistic? Sorry to spoil your mood, but this isn’t a cinematic script of doomsday conspiracy, but rather very much the actual and only truth regarding this planet.

But we’ve not run out of time, at least not yet. So keep reading till the end because we’ve got a lot to say.

Energy Efficient option to switch: Green Energy

Green energy indicates any energy produced from natural, renewable sources like air, sunlight, water, geothermal radiation, biomass, and hydroelectric power, which doesn’t produce pollutants or affect the environment in harmful ways, unlike fossil fuels. But that same biomass can be processed and converted into ethanol instead of plain burning. This green energy can fulfill 25% of the world’s fuel requirements by 2050. And even if the initial costs are a bit high, green energy can be economical in the long run.

Benefits that you didn’t know you can get from using energy-efficient Green Energy

Green energy sources are locally established and controlled by users themselves, and they’re not usually affected by geopolitical conflicts, logistics or supply chain crises, etc. This results in a far more stable economic distribution and less chance of abrupt price hikes.

Green energy-driven home improvements to consider

Charity begins at home. So does any change.

Now, upgrade your home as you’ve plenty of options to choose from –

  • Solar energy-powered home

Solar energy is perhaps the best, as it comes from the omnipotent sun. It is particularly effective in countries of tropical and subtropical regions as strong sunlight is available around the year, every day for long hours. Installing solar panels can be an effective investment for a cheap, energy-efficient way to meet your domestic needs. Volt solar tiles are a hugely popular choice among homeowners across the country.

  • Home insulation and air sealing

Air gaps in your walls, attic, and windows can lead to significant energy loss (at least 25-40% of the total energy expenditure) despite your best efforts. Home insulation paired with professional air sealing will give you the best results by providing your home with a thermal seal that will reflect in your energy bills.

  • Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats learn your energy consumption patterns and can automatically turn on and off the cooling or heating system to always maintain an optimal living room temperature. These might initially seem expensive, but most thermostats pay for themselves within 2 years or even less by saving considerable amounts on total electricity bills.

  • Energy efficient windows

Windows are not just for decorative purposes; they have another greater purpose: ventilation. A sufficient number of windows placed appropriately will help you to naturally regulate your house temperature. Energy-efficient windows are certainly a must for energy-conscious homeowners.

  • Upgrading older home appliances

Older electronic gadgets and home appliances often compromise energy efficiency to boost performance. But modern star-rated appliances are a perfect balance of both. Replacing old appliances with newer ones helps to give a boost to energy savings. And this is environment friendly as well.

Believe it or not, energy savings is the need of the hour. And we need to adapt fast. For our future and the future generations alike. Why wait? Implementation is always better than just knowledge. Convert to better and eco-friendly options today!

So the motto should be, go green, live better!

Elise Wu

Elise Wu, an alumna of Yale University with a degree in Environmental Policy, has spent more than two decades advocating for environmental protection and sustainable resource management. Before joining our website in 2019, she worked with various NGOs and governmental bodies, playing a key role in developing eco-friendly policies. Besides her professional pursuits, Elise is also a passionate hiker and loves nature photographer, often exploring the untamed wilderness to reconnect with the environment she tirelessly works to preserve.

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