How to Organize Your Closet by Season

Do you ever find yourself staring at your overflowing closet, struggling to find the perfect outfit amidst the chaos? It’s time to take control of your wardrobe and achieve seasonal closet bliss. Organizing your closet by season not only brings a sense of order and tranquility to your daily routine, but it also offers a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond a tidy space.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of organizing your closet by season and delve into the numerous benefits it can bring to your life. We’ll guide you through the process of evaluating your current closet situation, determining available storage space, and ultimately sorting and categorizing your clothing items. We’ll also share invaluable tips for decluttering and purging, as well as strategies for properly storing and maintaining your out-of-season garments.

Transitioning between seasons can be a daunting task, but fear not! We’ll provide you with practical advice on efficiently switching out your wardrobes and offer guidance on evaluating and refreshing your clothing collection. By the end of this post, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to master the art of organizing your wardrobe with ease.

So, whether you’re a fashionista looking to create a perfectly curated closet or simply seeking a more efficient way to navigate your daily outfit choices, this blog post is for you. Get ready to transform your cluttered chaos into a haven of seasonal closet bliss. Let’s dive in!

Do you ever find yourself staring at your overflowing closet, struggling to find the perfect outfit amidst the chaos? It’s time to take control of your wardrobe and achieve seasonal closet bliss. Organizing your closet by season not only brings a sense of order and tranquility to your daily routine, but it also offers a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond a tidy space.

Why You Should Organize Your Closet by Season

Even with all of the clothing choices in the world, picking an outfit is hard. Sometimes you don’t know what to wear because the weather seems to hover somewhere between summer & fall. Or other times, you simply can’t find what you’re looking for because you have so many options.

Organizing your closet by season solves both of these issues. By dividing your clothing collection into distinct seasonal categories, you can easily locate and access the clothes, shoes, and women’s accessories that you need, saving valuable time and energy. You’ll also be able to routinely evaluate your wardrobe and make intentional choices about what to keep, donate, or discard. As you free up space in your closet, you can buy more fashion items to regularly wear.

Now that we understand the importance and benefits of organizing your closet by season, let’s dive into the practical steps you can take to achieve a well-organized and functional wardrobe. In the next section, we will guide you through the process of evaluating your current closet situation and determining the available storage space. Let’s get started!

X-Steps to a Seasonally Organized Closet

Before you start to move things around, donate, or discard anything, it’s important to take inventory of what you currently have.

Assess Your Current Closet

Start by emptying your closet completely. This will give you a clear view of all the items you own and allow you to evaluate them more effectively. Sort everything into distinct categories: tops, bottoms, dresses, jackets, and accessories.

As you go through each category, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have I worn this item in the past year? If you answer “No,” it’s time to downsize. Donate it or give it to a friend.
  • Does this item still fit me? Again, if you answer “No,” you should get rid of it – donate it or upcycle it into another fashion piece.
  • Is this item damaged or in need of repair? If it’s stained or needs extensive repair, it’s probably worth discarding it.
  • Do I still love this item? If you have to ask yourself this question, you probably don’t love it. Your closet is better filled with clothes that make you feel happy & confident.

Determine How Much Closet Space You Have

Assuming your closet was overcrowded before, you should have plenty of room now that you’re left with only the essentials. But that doesn’t mean you should just hang everything back up or fold it into a built-in shelving unit – it’s time to figure out how much space you have.

Start by measuring the dimensions of your closet, including the height, width, and depth. This will help you determine what storage solutions, if any, will fit best in your space.

Consider additional storage options beyond your closet as well. Under-bed storage containers, wardrobe racks, and garment bags can provide valuable space for storing out-of-season items or less frequently used pieces.

Sort & Categorize by Season

The first step in sorting and categorizing your clothing is to create distinct seasonal categories. Typically, this involves dividing your wardrobe into Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter collections. We’ll only divide them into two “seasons” so that it’s easier to swap them when the time comes. Plus, the seasons seem to blend together at certain times of the year. So, pairing two seasons of clothing together gives you more flexibility.

Gather all of your clothes and accessories and divide them into two separate piles. Place items such as lightweight fabrics, sundresses, and shorts in the Spring/Summer pile, while heavier fabrics, sweaters, and coats belong in the Fall/Winter pile.

As simple as it may sound, this initial sorting will provide a clear visual representation of your wardrobe for each season. And who knows? Maybe you’ll learn that you need to expand your fall & winter wardrobe as it pales in comparison to the warm weather pile.

Sort & Categorize by Clothing Type

With your seasonal categories established, it’s time to further sort and organize your clothing items within each category. Start by sorting each seasonal pile by type of clothing item. Separate your tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, and accessories into individual groups.

Once you have sorted the items by type, consider further grouping them by color or style. This level of organization is optional, but it can help you quickly put together outfits with matching colors.

Fill Your Closet with In-Season Clothes & Accessories

With all of your clothes sorted by season & type, it’s time to put them back in your closet. Hang & fold them in a way that makes sense to you, so that you can quickly find what you’re looking for at a moment’s notice.

Try some of these space-saving techniques to keep your closet

  • Fold T-Shirts & Sweaters – These garments tend not to wrinkle as easily as others, so folding them won’t negatively impact their appearance. Fold them in a neat & compact manner to maximize drawer & shelving space.
  • Utilize Vertical Space – Use hanging organizers like closet rod dividers or cascading hangers to maximize vertical space in your closet. These tools allow you to hang multiple items on a single hanger, saving valuable rod space for other clothing items.
  • Install Over-the-Door Organizers – Take advantage of the back of your closet door by installing over-the-door organizers to store accessories & shoes. This creative closet hack will save you plenty of floor space and make it easier to pick your daily footwear & accessories.

Store Your Out-of-Season Items Elsewhere

There’s no right or wrong answer to the question: “Where should I store my out-of-season clothes?” Ultimately, the answer is wherever you can find space. Some may opt to pack them away in storage boxes in the basement or garage, while others fold them away into roll-away, under-the-bed storage containers.

The location is less important than the protection. Make sure that whatever storage method you choose will protect your clothes from dust, moisture, and pests. It’d be a shame to unpack your summer wardrobe only to find them ruined by some combination of dust & mice.

We recommend laundering your clothes before storing them away, as stains will be impossible to remove months later. You can also pack them away with scented dryer sheets or non-toxic insect repellents for added freshness.

Transition Between Seasons

Most people love the change of seasons, whether it’s from winter to spring or summer to autumn. You finally get to wear that outfit you’ve been planning for months, and you get to swap your entire wardrobe out for something new.

As the weather changes, you’ll have to swap your tank tops for hoodies (or vice versa) to stay comfortable and look fashionable. Since you already sorted your wardrobe a few months ago, this transition should be relatively easy. Empty your closet and unpack your clothes from out-of-season storage, then make the swap. Fill up your closet with neatly folded & hung clothes, handbags, shoes, and accessories, then re-pack the boxes with whichever items you removed from the closet.

A word to the wise…Be prepared to spend some time ironing out wrinkles or re-washing clothes to freshen them up again.

Depending on the depth of your wardrobe, this process should only take you a few hours, maybe two to three times per year. And though it requires a bit of upfront work, the daily time savings are well worth it. By organizing your closet by season, you can easily find your clothes when you need them, without having to sort through off-season styles that you don’t need. Take back control of your closet; start organizing today.

Samantha Nguyen

Samantha Nguyen, a graduate of the Pratt Institute with a degree in Interior Design, has made a mark for herself in the home decor scene for 15 years. She started her career with a renowned design firm in Los Angeles, gaining critical acclaim for her innovative approaches. Samantha joined our platform in 2019, where she shares her expertise in creating aesthetically pleasing yet functional living spaces. She is also a staunch advocate for incorporating sustainable materials in home decor. In her leisure time, she loves to paint to establish inspiration from her travels.

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