Sprucing Up Your Property: The Best Trees for Your Yard

Trees can add life to your yard and boost curb appeal, which increases property value. They also improve air quality, support wildlife, and aid soil preservation. Not to mention, with sizable trees, you can provide much-needed shade for your yard.

But not every tree is good for your yard. Your yard needs plants with appealing qualities like fragrant flowers and vibrant foliage colors.

Here is a list of the best trees for your yard.

1. Maple Trees

Does your backyard need a little sprucing up? A few maple trees can do the trick. These plants are among the most beautiful ornamental additions. They boast a gorgeous spreading crown and layered branching. Plus, in early spring, these trees produce showy red flowers.

That’s not all. Maple trees grow relatively quickly; some species reach full size in a decade. And after flowering, maples produce delicious fruits known as samaras.

2. Rocky Mountain Pine Bonsai

Rocky Mountain Pine Bonsai is perfect for any gardening enthusiast who needs a slow-growing pine. This tree is a favorite since it can tolerate extreme weather and drought. Plus, it only demands a little attention with enough sunlight and warmth.

Additionally, rocky mountain pine bonsai has a distinct, elegant appearance, with gnarled branches, slender needles, and rugged bark. And if you love to attach a deeper meaning to your plants, you’ll be glad to know that most cultures associate this plant with positive attributes like strength, resilience, and longevity.

3. Peach Trees

What isn’t there to love about peaches? They are delicious, juicy, and good for your health. These fruits contain vital antioxidants like carotenoids, vitamin C, and polyphenols. If you love peaches and would like to enjoy them frequently, plant peach trees.

Peach trees rank among the most attractive and beneficial landscape plants. These trees don’t just bear fruits; they also produce attention-grabbing pink flowers.

4. Eastern Redbuds

Eastern Redbuds is an ornamental plant with a beautiful, umbrella-like crown and a maroon-purple trunk. They are a favorite for many property owners because, during spring, tight clusters of pink flowers appear along their branches and stems, creating a showy display. These trees have heart-shaped foliage and are inherently deciduous.

You can grow an eastern redbud in full sun or partial shade. And although it can tolerate drought or clay soil, it does well in well-drained soil and requires regular watering.

5. Crepe Myrtles

Crepe Myrtles are native to China but have become extremely popular in different corners of the globe, especially in Southern America. If you ask a Southerner to describe their earliest memories, most will tell you about the courtship calls of the infamous cicadas. They cannot also fail to mention the smell of freshly mowed lawns and, of course, blooming crepe myrtles with their red, white, purple, and pink flowers.

But to enjoy the majesty of crepe myrtles, ensure your garden receives at least 6 hours of sunlight. Anything less, and these plants won’t give you the prolific bloom they are infamous for.

6. Crab Apple Trees

There are many different types of crab apple trees. The most stunning include Adams, Adirondack, Harvest Gold, and Cinderella. These are ideal for gardeners who want to add long-lasting color to their landscape.

Besides aesthetic appeal, planting crab apple trees is also a good move because these plants facilitate the pollination of other fruit trees and bear tasty fruit in late summer and early fall. Their fruits are usually small and green but change their color to yellow as they ripen.

7. Lemon Trees

If you love the occasional glass of cocktail, chances are high to spice up your drink. Or you could use these fruits to add zest to baked goods, prepare mouth-watering tarts, or make sensational marmalade. Either way, if you love lemons and are a gardening enthusiast, plant some lemon trees.

8. Dwarf Conifers

When mature, dwarf conifers can reach a height of 6 ft. So, they are not miniature plants. These will do nicely if you want to plant a few low-maintenance trees in your front garden. Whether grown in containers or directly into the soil, dwarf conifers can boost your property’s curb appeal and add color to your landscaping.

9. Citrus Trees

If your property has a sunny, wind-protected area with some space, consider planting a few citrus trees. They will be a splendid addition to your garden, especially around March and April, when they produce fragrant, white flowers. Moreover, during summer, your plants will give you access to an endless supply of citrus fruits, which are choke-full of essential nutrients like vitamin C.

Ready to Spruce Up Your Yard?

Would you like to add zest to your yard and improve curb appeal? Consider planting the trees outlined above. And while picking the most suitable options, remember to factor in available growing space, weather conditions, and the mood you’d like to set.

Russell Chen

With a rich background in Horticulture from the University of Melbourne, Russell Chen has over 18 years of experience in garden design and management. He has been a key contributor to our site, after serving as a chief horticulturist at a renowned botanical garden in Australia. Russell's articles often reflect his passion for eco-friendly gardening and he has been sharing insights into sustainable gardening practices. In his leisure time, he loves exploring herbal gardening and participating in community greening projects.

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