Why Are Outdoor Games Important in Life?

Playing indoor and outdoor games is essential for a child’s development process. Once a child is born, after a few months, it is important to engage them in some activities, and it can initially start from indoors to outdoors.

As per research, it has been found that children have become more dominant towards playing indoors, whereas, for good development, they need to play outdoors.

Several outdoor activities for small toddlers and teenagers should be incorporated into their kids’ daily lives. Parents can also engage their kids in group outdoor activities so that they become more active mentally and physically.

Outdoor games not only help in the physical health of the child but also help with emotional, psychological, and sociological skills.

Hence, to know more about it in detail, read along.

Physical Benefits of Playing Outdoor Games

four kids playing outdoor sport together

As we all know, physical benefits are the first ones that come to mind when we think about playing outdoor games. There are various physical benefits of playing outside; some are mentioned below in detail.

1. Advanced Motor skills

Kids at the Beach Playing Jump Rope Game

Whether your kid is a small one, the right one, or a teenager, outdoor play is relatively better than indoor games in fostering advanced motor skills. Kids will be engaged in activities that will allow them to move their bodies in different ways. Apart from this, they will also develop skills in balance and agility. They can start by swinging, crawling, and even running in an open garden for movement.

2. Low Body Mass Index

Low Body Mass Index

Over the years, it has been experienced that kids are more likely to get obese. The changed lifestyle and eating habits contribute to a lot. We have seen that earlier, merely a small percentage of kids were likely to get obese, but now, every year, the numbers are increasing. Kids involved in outdoor activities are less likely to get obese as they constantly move, whereas sitting in front of the TV and phones can contribute to obesity.

3. Better Health and Muscle Mass

Children playing tug-of-war

Playing outdoors can help a child in various ways, starting with a strong immune system. If you are child plays outdoor games, then you will observe that they are getting less sick, they are recovering early, and they have improved mood. Apart from this, it will also help the child to have better coordination and movement. Their muscles will be relatively stronger, and they will be physically great in every aspect.

Social and Emotional Benefits of Playing Outdoor Games


Yes, you heard it right: playing outdoor games not only offers physical development but also social and emotional development. If your kid is more involved with other kids, then certain social belonging skills will be directly empowered in them. Some of the social benefits of the same are mentioned below.

1. Better Communication with Others

kids playing a rope game

Keeping your kid inside with siblings or small groups can be intimidating for them. They might feel the urge to compete a lot, which can negatively impact them. Whereas, if your kid plays in an open field in a large group, they can feel great, and more communication can flow. Larger groups allow them to be less competitive and enjoy most of their time with fellow mates.

2. Improved Self Awareness

kid doing aerobics moves

Various studies have shown that kids who play outside are more likely to be self-aware and observant. They will be more into understanding others’ needs, and this will improve their thinking and reasoning skills. They will be more observant of nature, and they will understand the world and people from different aspects. Your kid will be more aware of life and surroundings as well.

3. Better Peer Relationships

kids looking at insects on a fallen tree stump

When kids start playing outside in a large group, they often tend to interact more and pursue emotional needs. Sometimes, they will be competitive, and sometimes, they will have an emotional aspect towards things. It will help them develop the emotional skills that are required for better communication. They will also learn team spirit, team play, fair play, and healthy competition.

4. Independent Nature

kids raising thier hands and making a hand chain

Often, mostly indoors, kids are more dependent on their parents for even basic needs. They will not be independent enough to make small decisions and reasoning independently. However, when a kid plays in an open field, even if the parents are around, they have slight freedom that helps in their emotional development and independence; they will learn to be in situations where it is important to take action delicately.


All in all, it can be said that both indoor and outdoor games are important for a child’s development. However, adding more outdoor games to your child’s day-to-day routine can make them physically, emotionally, and socially stronger. If your kid is small and you want to add outdoor activities, start by crawling and swinging.

Once your kid is 5-6, then you can allow him to join outdoor game groups where other peers play various games. It will help your kid to communicate better and see life from a wider perspective. They will be in an open space around nature and see how beautiful nature can be by observing trees, grass, and flowers.

They will be indulged in group activities to help them build better emotional skills.

Sarah Ahmad

Graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Media Studies, Sarah Ahmad embarked on her gaming journalism career in 2013. She worked with multiple sports journalism organizations before joining our team in 2021. Known for her in-depth analysis of gaming trends and player communities, she is also into podcasting. Her hobbies include digital art and participating in eSports events. Sarah’s passion for gaming has also evolved her as an amateur game developer who enjoys creating indie games in her free time.

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