5 Fun and Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Next Cocktail Party

When it comes to hosting a party, you want your guests to have a great time and enjoy themselves. With so many parties people attend, we sometimes tend to overlook the environment. And when it comes to throwing an event or even attending one, this can be the best =and most fun= aspect of attending.

There are plenty of ways to get creative when it comes to your cocktail party, going green, rainforest theme, and planning for a sustainable environment!

Here are some eco-friendly recipes you can use while still impressing your friends.

Use Real Glasses

The first step is using real glasses instead of plastic ones. Certain cocktails are served in specific glasses; it’s a great way to get people together at parties. It’s much more fun to use real glasses, and you’ll be happy to know plenty of eco-friendly options don’t cost much!

Not only does this look more classy and sophisticated, but it also helps the environment. That’s because you do not have to throw away those plastic cups every time someone needs more beer or wine; the products themselves are made from recycled materials.

Make Your Own Cocktails

Make your own cocktails if you’re having a party and want to cut down on waste. Start with a non-alcoholic punch, and add your favorite spirits when guests arrive. Of course, you can use pre-made juices and sodas to save time and money, but if you want to make everything from scratch, there’s something else you can try.

You can make delicious mocktails for those who don’t drink alcohol. These drinks are perfect when preparing for a special backyard party with the kids or when you want to serve an alternative option for guests who don’t drink alcohol (or just don’t want to drink too much).

All it takes is a little bit of creativity, some basic ingredients, and a few test runs before serving them up at your next event.

Say No to Straws

It’s estimated that Americans use 500 million plastic straws every day. The problem is that many of them end up in oceans, which pose a danger to marine life and birds. They also take up space in landfills and can’t be recycled.

That’s why we recommend saying no to plastic straws altogether! Instead, use paper or glass ones, skip them altogether and serve your drinks without them.

Skip the Bottled Water

Bottled water is not only bad for the environment but also expensive compared to tap water. So if you’re hosting a party at home, ensure guests have access to free tap water throughout the event — this will make them more likely to drink it too!

If you want guests to have access to something other than tap water at their tables, consider offering a pitcher of flavored seltzer or soda water instead. It’s easy for guests to refill their glasses themselves without wasting paper cups, plastic lids, and straws.

Buy Local and Organic Whenever You Can

When preparing your menu, choose ingredients grown or produced locally whenever possible. This way, you’ll support local farmers and producers who are doing their part to reduce food miles — which means less fossil fuel used in transport — and save money by cutting down on shipping costs.

You can even ask friends to bring ingredients from their gardens or farms! Not only does this help support local agriculture, but it also makes what you serve at your party unique and delicious. In addition, this will help cut down on your carbon footprint and support local farmers or producers.


We’re not saying that there’s anything inherently wrong with the plastic cups we mentioned above. On the contrary, there’s a time and a place for several alternatives to plastic, like paper or “bioplastics,” and we don’t believe eco-friendliness should be sacrificed.

But if you’re looking for a fun, creative, and “green” alternative to disposable plastic cups, consider any of the above ideas, and you’ll probably save yourself a lot of money too.

Elise Wu

Elise Wu, an alumna of Yale University with a degree in Environmental Policy, has spent more than two decades advocating for environmental protection and sustainable resource management. Before joining our website in 2019, she worked with various NGOs and governmental bodies, playing a key role in developing eco-friendly policies. Besides her professional pursuits, Elise is also a passionate hiker and loves nature photographer, often exploring the untamed wilderness to reconnect with the environment she tirelessly works to preserve.

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