How Do You Find the Perfect Self-Storage Unit for Your Needs?

People use storage lockers for a myriad of different reasons. Some may use a storage locker for decluttering purposes, while others may require it when downsizing. You may even need a storage locker to facilitate a remodeling project or a move to another home.

However, determining what type and size of storage locker to go with can be daunting. The items you wish to store will determine the storage locker rental service you need.

Still, trying to visualize all of your items and their dimensions and the logistics of the item transfer can still prove to be challenging.

Steps to Determine Which Storage Unit Size is Ideal for You

You need to determine the primary function or purpose of your storage unit. You will also need to list all of the items you are planning on storing in the unit. A preliminary inventory list will help keep you organized.

The size of the storage unit will also need to be carefully measured to ensure that you will not have too much space or too little space in which to work. Painters’ tape should be used to obtain accurate measurements.

If you are unsure if you will have sufficient space, you should play it safe and go one size up. Moreover, you will need to determine how long you will be using the storage unit.

A bigger-sized unit is recommended if you plan to store your belongings for a prolonged period, as you will be less restricted if you decide to place more items in storage in the future.

However, if the item transfer is temporary, getting an accurate measurement is crucial to save time and money. Also, do not hesitate to ask someone at the storage company for help.

It is their job to provide friendly service and also help you get a realistic estimate of how much storage space you will need before you make the move. In sum, you need to determine the storage unit’s primary function before you contact your local storage company.

Small Storage Units

Yard tools and holiday decorations should be put away during the off-season. Books, toys, and children’s clothing can also be stored in a smaller storage unit in North York.

Students can also use a smaller storage unit to store berries from the backyard and also during the summer to focus on their summer jobs.

If you are thinking of redesigning a single room in your home, then a smaller storage unit may suffice to temporarily store your appliances, furniture, and electronics until you have finished your project.

Some people will opt for long-term storage to increase the amount of space in their homes. For example, a smaller home may appear larger if you store unnecessary or rarely used items in a small storage unit.

Medium Storage Units

If you have a condo or apartment and need to store several items, then a medium storage unit in North York may suffice. It may allow you to save copious amounts of space in your home that can be put to better use.

You can also temporarily store certain obsolete items in the medium storage unit before taking them out to sell them at a garage sale or via an online auction site like eBay.

You can then use the money to buy more modern gadgets, furniture, and appliances for your home to enhance your lifestyle.

The money can also be used to upgrade your home to increase its curb appeal and real estate value when you are ready to sell your home.

Before relocating, some businesses will also use medium storage units to house their office equipment, materials, and inventory items.

Larger Storage Units

If you have many valuable possessions in your home that you need to protect before you relocate, they should be stored in a larger storage unit in North York. Boats, RVs, cars, vans, motorcycles, and other vehicles should be stored in larger storage units.

A large storage unit is strongly recommended if you own a business and require large-scale storage to meet all of your needs.

Plan Ahead

You need to determine how many items you need to store and how large, said items are before deciding on which storage unit size to go with. There are many different sizes to choose from to meet your needs, including small, medium, and large units.

Measure the units carefully to help you determine which size to go with. Moreover, how you pack and load your assets and the unique dimensions will determine how much you can fit in your storage unit.

Amelia Rivera

Amelia Rivera is a graduate of Harvard Business School who has spent over 16 years in the service industry, focusing on customer experience and service innovation. She provides insights into service management and customer satisfaction strategies. Her background includes management roles in hospitality and consulting. Previously, she worked with several multinational corporations, developing their customer service protocols. She enjoys yoga and is passionate about animal rescue and welfare. She is a great traveler and a gourmet food blogger in her spare time.

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