The Grown-Up’s Guide to Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

Have you ever found yourself pushing that broccoli to the side of your plate, making a face similar to your five-year-old’s? Believe it or not, you’re not alone.

As adults, we’re swamped with health advice, yet many of us find it difficult to munch on the recommended daily servings of various fruits and veggies. Here’s your guide to turning over a new leaf and finally embracing the colorful world of produce.

Discovering the Joys of Different Preparations

Remember when you turned your nose up at boiled spinach as a kid, only to discover years later that it can be quite tasty when sautéed with garlic? The same goes for many other fruits and vegetables. It’s not that you dislike them; you probably just haven’t discovered your favorite preparation method.

For example, raw broccoli can be off-putting for some. But toss it in a bit of olive oil, roast it in the oven until it’s slightly crispy, and you might just have a game-changer on your hands.

Or consider the fruit salad. Some might say they don’t like fruits mixed. Yet, a lime splash or a mint sprinkle might transform that mix into a refreshing treat.

Growing Your Own Bounty

There’s something incredibly satisfying about eating a vegetable you’ve grown with your own two hands. Not only do home-grown veggies from a vegetable garden tend to taste better (thanks to the love and care you pour into them), but you also control the environment in which they grow. No more worrying about how long that bell pepper has been sitting on the store shelf. Plus, the journey from seed to plate reconnects you with nature, grounding you in the process. If you’re short on space, many veggies, like lettuce and herbs, can be grown in pots on balconies or windowsills. It might just be the fresh taste you need to incorporate more veggies into your diet.

Addressing Dental Concerns

A crunchy apple or a juicy ear of corn can be a delightful experience for many but painful for others. As we age, dental problems can become barriers to enjoying certain foods. Yet, avoiding these foods isn’t the solution.

Whether it’s visiting a dentist in Arcadia, CA, or one in Zion, PA, regular dental check-ups are crucial to maintaining good oral health and catching issues early.

Dentists can offer solutions like protective sealants and dental implants, allowing you to once again enjoy the fruits and vegetables you love by getting rid of the pain you hate.

Experiment with Smoothies

Smoothies are a fantastic and delicious way to get in your daily fruits and veggies. The possibilities are endless, whether you prefer a green spinach and kale mix or a tropical mango and pineapple blend.

The great part is you can always toss in veggies or fruits you’re not particularly fond of, along with ones you love, and mask the taste. Add some yogurt, a splash of almond milk, or even a spoonful of peanut butter, and you’ve got yourself a nutrition-packed treat that’s both satisfying and delightful.

Engage in Culinary Adventures

Diving into different world cuisines can be your passport to increasing your fruit and vegetable intake. For instance, Mediterranean cuisine uses eggplants and tomatoes in delectable dishes, while Asian cuisines often incorporate bok choy and bell peppers. Taking a cooking class or simply exploring new recipes online can introduce you to flavors and preparations you hadn’t considered before. After all, variety is the spice of life. Why not apply it to your plate?

Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program

Diving into the world of Community Supported Agriculture can be an exciting way to vary your fruit and vegetable intake. When you join a CSA, you essentially become a shareholder of a local farm. Every week, you receive a box of fresh, seasonal produce straight from the fields. Not only does this support local farmers and reduce your carbon footprint, but it also introduces you to fruits and veggies you might not have encountered before. Ever tried kohlrabi or rainbow chard? Well, now’s your chance. Plus, since you’ve invested in the program, there’s an added motivation to use and consume every item in the box. It’s a delightful challenge that turns every meal into a culinary adventure. Experiment with recipes, share them with fellow members and take pride in eating locally sourced, fresh produce regularly.


Being an adult doesn’t mean resigning ourselves to meals devoid of greens or the juicy burst of fruits. It’s about rediscovering and redefining our relationship with these essential food groups. From playing with preparation methods to addressing any physical barriers, the journey to relishing fruits and vegetables is filled with exciting avenues. So, the next time you see that carrot or apple, give it another shot. Your taste buds might just thank you.

Michelle Li

Michelle Li, with a background in Nutritional Sciences from Cornell University, has explored the intersection of health and culinary arts for over 15 years. Joining us in 2020, her approach to cooking is informed by her extensive travels and studies in global food cultures. Michelle is also a certified sommelier, further enriching her gastronomic insights. Her hobbies include organic gardening and participating in culinary workshops. Michelle is an avid blogger on food sustainability and enjoys hosting cooking classes in her local community.

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