What Colors Make Purple and how to mix Shades of Purple Color for an Artist 

Hey! Your favorite color is purple, but you do not know what colors you need to mix to make it and how many shades you can create with them. No need to worry now as you are at the right platform where you will get complete information about your favorite color. It is a different and exciting shade preparation to make your mood and life more colorful. Here we go!

What Colors to Mix to Get Purple?

When you think about painting or art, then purple may not be the color that will come to your mind in the first place. But this is your favorite color so let us make it with the primary colors. You need two colors here to make it.

Red and Blue colors need to be mixed to make the purple color. But in what proportion that will depend on you to make different shades of your favorite color. The blue color needs to be added in a higher proportion than red to get a deep purple color and rest upto you, how much you need to deepen it.

Thinking of Purple as an Artist or Painter:


Undoubtedly purple is a brilliant color to use in your paintings or any art form. But when you think of any painting, you might not think about Purple as it is not a primary color that can be available as it is.

You need to prepare it with your interest, and the way you prepare it will solely be in your hands. How much deep color you want, and there are many techniques and varieties of Blue and Red colors you can use to make them.

The intensity of Purple Color:

The intensity of Purple color depends on how you mix the Red and Blue colors and let us take a ride of varieties of different colors to get different shades of your favorite Purple color.

How to Mix Shades of Purple Color for Artist?

How to Mix Shades of Purple Color for Artist

If you mix simple blue and red colors, you will get purple colors, but you may get a variety of purple colors if you use different blue colors. Like if we use Alizarin Crimson, it will give lighter color. If you add Cadmium Red with blue, it will give you a little deep purple color than the one prepared with the above method.

Except this, if we use Ultramarine Blue, it will give dark purple color, and that will be used for finishing the painting when you need some highlighted pictures or images during your paintings.

Different types of Blue Colors:/p>

  • Pthalo Blue
  • Prussian Blue
  • Cerulean Blue
  • Cobalt Blue

Different types of Red Colors:

  • Burnt Siena.
  • Quinacridone Red
  • Vermillion

So, as you see, we have a great diversity in red and blue colors here, so the one you mix and a different shade of Purple you get. If we take the combinations, we may have more than 25 shades of Purple as per your requirement and interest.

If you do not have the above varieties of blue and red colors, you can mix primary blue and primary red to get your favorite Purple color.

To Mix Muted Shades of Purple Color

To Mix Muted Shades of Purple Color

Having a bright image with your favorite color is worth imagining, but you may not want to get brighter paintings. However, an idea with muted shades of your favorite color in your paintings or any form of art is also an exciting option.

But how to make muted colors and what needs to be done to achieve the needful. That is not a question anymore. Let us put some light on this aspect to make it easy for you.

Muted Colors can usually be obtained by adding two complementary colors, and for this, you need to have a better idea of the chart that which color is the complimentary of which one.

So yellow color is the complementary color of Purple, and similarly, Red color is the complementary color of Green. Since Purple and yellow complement each other, they can be mixed in the desired proportion to obtain muted purple color.

But for an artist, there is no fun of the simple colors to get muted one. They need something extraordinary. So, the yellow color they choose in different shades as well. Let us have a look at different shades of yellow color.

  1. Cadmium Yellow
  2. Lemon Yellow
  3. Hansa Yellow
  4. Light Yellow

You can choose any of the Yellow colors to make your purple color as you want. If you mix Dioxagine Purple with Yellow Ochre, you will get earth-toned color than if you would have mixed it with Cadmium Yellow. Similarly, if you obtain muted Purple with Violet Bluish, then it will come out to be lighter than the one obtained with Dioxagine Purple.

So, you have a diversity of colors around to make your purple color of any shade and that you can imagine, mix, and get one. Use it in your art or painting and surprise the world. Just make a different shade of Purple and mix it with any Yellow as per the given categories above to get your desired results.

If you have not any, then you can go to any color mixing guide on your browser and get a complete booklet of it. These are readily available for you.

If you want to get the darker purple color for yourself, then a simple way to get that is to mix the burnt umber color with Purple and get a warmer purple color. Also, you can mix Alizarin Crimson with Green to get tar black color, then mix it with Purple that you made above and get the darkest purple color ever for your paintings or any art form. Moreover, it might be the darkest of the purple colors you would ever make with any other combinations.

So, as you can see, that purple color is not limited to any of the boundaries. It is far more than you can think of and can make of it. Except for this warm purple color, you can also get cooler purple colors and some light shades. Let us go through those essential aspects as well to obtain these two mentioned categories now. Here we go!

How to Obtain Cooler Purple Colors?

How to Obtain Cooler Purple Colors

If you are a painter or an artist, you must know the color of the color you use on your paintings or any form of art. So, the temperature is also a key point here to have a look at for you. If you mix blue with Purple, it will give you cooler purple color, and yes, it again depends on which blue color you are using. If you use dioxagine blue color with Bluish Violet color, it will further mix with Cobalt blue or Ultramarine Blue the cooler purple color of excellent shade will come into the picture.

How to Obtain Light Shades of Purple?

Sometimes you may need lighter shades of Purple and some additional highlighting to your painting or any art form. But how to get lighter shades is a question now. Do not worry, and we have an answer for this as well. When you get some dark color than expected, you mix some white color to make it lighter or dim, which is the technique every artist knows.

When you mix dioxazine Purple with white, you will get a somewhat darker purple color than when you mix Provence Violet Bluish color with white. It will depend on your choice of color that will make a big difference, and yes, it will also be a fantastic thing to know about the color combination to be used in your paintings.

White is not only one option for you here as color diversity will always be there with many options to make your day. You can also use Yellow instead of White to get light purple shades and, yes, with options in yellow.

You will have Cadmium Yellow and Lemon-Yellow colors to lighten your purple color by mixing them with it, respectively. Still, lemon yellow will lighten it more than Cadmium Yellow to choose as per your requirement and need.

How to Obtain Warm Purple Color?

How to Obtain Warm Purple Color

The cooler purple color we are known to now. We will check for the warm purple color, and how to get it is relatively easy. When you mix purple with Cadmium Red, it will give you the desired warm purple color to give an exciting hold to your paintings and art. Some other red options are available, like Alizarin Crimson, which will be more relaxed than the Cadmium Red.

Now you have complete knowledge about the purple color that you can make it, how you can use it and of course as per your needs and requirements as you can make it darker for your paintings and art and lighter too.

Temperature-dependent color options you also have like cooler purple color and warm purple color. Earth muted color option you have as well as proportional mixing knowledge you have too. Different colors and complementary color options you have mastered now.

Do not wait. Just put all this knowledge in your painting or any art form and shine like a fantastic artist. No one can beat you in color combination now, specifically for Purple. Don’t you think so? I am sure that you will rock. Let us do it!

Happy Painting and Purpling!

Clara Wang

Holding a Master's in Fine Arts from Yale University, Clara Wang has been at the forefront of contemporary art and design for over a decade. She began her journey in advertising, developing a keen eye for color theory and design. Her experience includes working with renowned art galleries and contributing to various art journals. Outside of work, she enjoys painting and exploring the intersection of art and technology. She loves to engage in community art projects and photography in her free time.

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