When Is the Best Time to Cut Grass

Cutting grass is something many people do to keep their lawns looking nice. But you might wonder when the right time to do it is. Well, it’s not too hard to figure out. You want to cut grass when it’s not too tall or short.

In the spring and summer, when the weather is warm and the sun is shining, that’s a good time. The grass grows fast then, so you may need to cut it every week or two. You can use a lawnmower to make the grass shorter. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass’s height at a time.

So, after having looked at these tips, you will get to know more about the correct time to cut the grass without any required equipment

When is the Best Time to Cut Grass After Rain?

Woman using umbrella while mowing grass.

When it rains, waiting for your grass to dry a little bit is great. The best time to do this is in the early morning. The sun is not too hot now, and the grass is no longer wet. You can also wait until mid-morning if you can’t do it in the early morning.

However, it’s better to avoid cutting wet grass in the early afternoon because it’s still quite damp. Late afternoon is a better choice because it gives your lawn more time to dry.

1. Early Morning

This is when the grass is still a little wet from the morning dew. It’s not the best time to mow because the grass can stick together, and your mower might have difficulty cutting it evenly. It’s smarter to wait until the sun shines and dries the grass. Then, your mower can easily trim the grass, making your lawn look neat. Wet grass can also make your mower dirty; you must clean it afterward. So, if you wait until the grass dries, it’s simpler for you and your mower. Plus, you won’t have to struggle with grass.

2. Mid-Morning

The grass becomes less wet when the sun goes up in the sky. This is the best moment to cut it because it’s not too moist, and it’s not too hot outside. You can take out your lawnmower and start cutting the grass. Make sure to wear some sunscreen if you don’t want to get a sunburn. Also, drink some water to stay cool and refreshed. Cutting the grass is easy. Just push the lawnmower in front of you, and it will trim the grass short. You can go in straight lines or make patterns if you like. Some people cut their grass in a checkerboard design. It’s fun to see the grass change from tall to short. After you finish, the yard looks neat.

3. Late Afternoon

In the late afternoon, when the sun is going down, the grass has plenty of time to dry. This makes it a good time to mow your lawn because the grass is not wet and very hot outside. Also, when you mow in the late afternoon, your lawn has all night to get better. Cutting when the grass is dry is important because wet grass can make your lawnmower get stuck and doesn’t cut as nicely. When it’s not too hot outside, you won’t get tired while mowing, and it’s more comfortable. Moreover, mowing in the late afternoon can be a great way to relax after a busy day.

What Tools Make It Easier to Mow Your Lawn?

What Tools Make It Easier to Mow Your Lawn?

To make cutting the grass easier, you’ll need some basic tools. The main one is a lawnmower. You can pick between one you push or one you ride based on how big your lawn is. Also, a rake is useful for collecting the cut grass, and a hose or a watering can is good for drinking your grass. And don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes and sunscreen, especially if it’s a sunny day. Using these simple tools will make trimming your lawn much more manageable. So, when it’s time to tidy up your yard, grab your lawnmower, rake, and watering can, and be prepared for some easy lawn care.


The best time to cut grass is when it’s not too tall. It would help if you did it when the grass is about to your ankles. This is usually in the spring and summer when it’s warmer. It’s not a good idea to cut it when it’s too hot or too dry because it can hurt the grass. Cutting grass in the morning or evening is better than when the sun is really strong. T

hat’s because the grass can get stressed if it’s too hot when you cut it. Also, it’s important to have a sharp blade on your lawnmower. This helps to make clean cuts on the grass. When you cut with a dull blade, it can damage the grass and make it look bad.

So go with a quality lawnmore to make your lawn look evergreen and nice.

Edward Kim

Edward Kim, holding a Ph.D. in Botany from Cornell University, has been deeply involved in the study and practice of plant cultivation for over 20 years. He joined our team in 2020, having previously led a renowned botanical garden's research department. Edward's extensive knowledge is not just limited to academic circles; he has participated in community gardening projects and frequently conducts workshops. His love for plants is mirrored in his gardening-themed travel blog and his collection of rare botanical illustrations.

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